Do you know your family stories? Are they written down somewhere or recorded? They are truly priceless. Below are links to videos on YouTube of our relatives. They are short, fun and full of wonderful images and ideas. Hope you enjoy. Please send me any links to YouTube of short (under 5 min) interviews or just simple recordings of your relatives telling your family stories.

I’m Going to Marry That Man     Kay Fay, Trim Ireland 2011

Daly cousins, Sean and Kay Fay’s touching and at times humorous account of how they met. They also reveal the “quiet” secret to their long, happy marriage. The background noise goes away after a minute or two and Kay’s brogue is beautiful but strong so listen carefully. Also notice how she actually blushes towards the end when talking about her Sean.

All On Account of His Brother’s Forgotten Watch

Touching and at times humorous account of how John F. and Kay F. met. They also reveal the “quiet” secret to their long, happy marriage.